From a toxicological point of view, the route of a toxic compound in the body can be schematized according to four major stages:

Absorption is the passage of the toxic compound from the external environment to the body through the skin and mucous membranes (digestive and respiratory).

Once absorbed, these different compounds will be distributed via the circulation, to the liver, the main organ of purification and elimination of the body.

At this level, the toxic compounds will initially be neutralized before being eliminated. However, in case of excess, the liver may be saturated, and unfiltered toxic compounds will accumulate and be stored mainly in the fatty tissue and target organs (adipose tissue, liver, brain …)

Once in the body, pollutants can have deleterious effects on health through various mechanisms:

  • Accumulation of toxic compounds in tissues;

  • Oxidative stress inducing the production of molecules (free radicals) that cause cellular damage;

  • Decrease of the functionality of our hormones under the action of certain pollutants which mime these and block their receivers;

  • Lesions of the DNA and tissues of the body;