The human body is exposed daily to a multitude of harmful substances in the environment. These substances can impair its proper functioning and lead to the long-term development of certain pathologies.

Globally, environmental contamination is nowadays of alarming proportions. In fact, we are in permanent contact with chemical pollutants : there are currently more than 120 000 in Europe, and their number is constantly growing. Every year, thousands of new chemicals are introduced into our environment, in our food (preservatives and chemical dyes, residues of pesticides or herbicides, antibiotics, nitrates and other carcinogenic agents …) as well as in our consumer products ( cosmetics, packaging …), while their safety has, for the majority of them, not been demonstrated.

Numerous studies have revealed the correlation between exposure to this environmental pollution and the increased risk of developing certain chronic respiratory, cardiovascular, metabolic and even cancer diseases.

Without waiting for the appearance of such pathologies, we must be alerted by certain clinical signs precursors of a depletion of our functional reserves, due to this progressive accumulation of toxic, such as: muscular pains, migraines, decrease of the concentration, or non-specific digestive disorders, cutaneous disorders (eczema, acne …) or ENT (repetitive otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis) …

Faced with this reality, minimizing exposure to these environmental pollutants and supporting detoxification is an essential public health initiative.